Tuesday, March 29, 2022

99Math Game Review

 This afternoon, our class played another game of 99math. We practiced on comparing numbers. (Decimal numbers) This was quite challenging because the music from the game made me feel pressured. Although in the end, I still made it!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Maths Algebra Wordle

This week, our class was learning how to solve algebraic equations using a mixture of operations. (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication) So today, we made a wordle about it! Here's mine:


Thursday, March 24, 2022

99math Reflection

 This afternoon, our class played a game together called 99math and I thought that it was really fun! My next step will be to work faster when I round numbers to the nearest 10. I'm looking forward to doing more challenges in the future!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Today's Math Reflection

 This afternoon, our class was learning how to turn word statements into algebraic expressions.

(e.g) Rachel has x dollars and she bought $15 worth of jeans. (Turn this into a math expression)

Answer: x - 15

We learnt words like: Increased, decreased, difference, sum, and product. I think that this activity was really fun! My goal next time is to learn how to use BEDMAS correctly. I'm looking forward to learn more about this topic in the future!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Math Antics / Calculating Percentages

Our task is to: Find and Share an Easy to Understand Clip about Calculating Percentages.

I chose to use this video from Math Antics because he has great explanations about calculating percentages.

Percentages in Our Everyday Lives


Our task is to create a collage of words related to percentages in our everyday lives, like taxes, exam results, sales, surveys, ingredients, and many more. Here's the project that I've done.

I used WordArt.com to make this collage. 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Basic Facts Practice

My classmates and I practice our basic facts everyday but this time, I timed myself and I want to share my Certificate of Achievement. I learnt that proper practice makes perfect.