Thursday, December 16, 2021

My Animated Pepeha - Te Reo Maori


For this task, my class and I had to use the website 'Scratch' to animate our Pepeha. I found this really enjoyable! But it was quite challenging because this is my first time to use Scratch, and to do coding! Also because this took me lots of takes until I finally thought that my pronunciation sounded right. 

Overall, I learnt how to pronounce new Maori words, do coding, use scratch, and to do some animation!

 Maybe next time, I will keep practicing and try new things so that my Pepeha can be more interesting.

My Pepeha - Tagalog


Thursday, December 9, 2021

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

 My Passion Project

My Passion Project is to improve in my piano skills by practicing in my spare time for 15-30 minutes.      

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Liam's Terrifying Dream

(Story Starter)

When he closed his eyes, drifted off to sleep, his real life began. Every night his dreams would take him on the greatest adventures. It was when he was asleep that he felt most alive…

 “Look! Look down there!”  His voice could just be heard above the sound of the airplane's engine and the shrieking wind in their ears. “Can you see it?” 

For some reason, they weren’t falling from the wing of ‘NZW.’ It was like a simulation. They could see the whole country of New Zealand, including Lake Taupo and a whole bunch of cities! There were large, puffy, cotton- like clouds surrounding them, what could go wrong? 

“Next stop, Land Jiggles!” said by an unknown, low toned voice. “Land Jiggles? Where’s that?” “You’ll see,” the strange voice replied.

After minutes of sight-seeing, Liam started to feel like they were about to slip off! “What? What’s going on?!” His heart stopped, as greyish clouds rushed past, Liam’s long, blonde hair started dancing like a Rockstar.  The plane where they had just been sitting was getting smaller and smaller, while leaving his brother Gian behind! 

Liam felt alarmed, but had nothing he could do! His stomach dropped, then came memorable flashbacks. But soon in his dream, Liam passed out. Off he went, falling in mid air.

Liam tossed and turned in his creaky bed while mumbling “Help!” He kept wiggling and jiggling, whimpering until finally, he felt like he landed on a soft, white marshmallow. “THUD!”

Suddenly, Liam woke up, all sweaty while in a weird position on the ground. It was 7:30 a.m. “Phew” he said feeling relieved, “It was only a dream.” As Liam slowly opened his bedroom door, he saw Gian, his older brother with his eyes all droopy. 

Gian stared at Liam, looking like a zombie child. “LIAM! I just had the craziest dream ever! I was riding on the wing of a plane then accidentally fell off!” Liam was in disbelief, “WHAT?”

Liam gasped for air and sat straight up on his drooled bed. He felt all wobbly from all this fiddle. “Is this still part of my dream???”

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way

 My Comic Book

This week, our class is learning about how we show kindness to people around us. For our task, we have to make a comic story about kindness. I also learnt that what comes around, goes around. So if you do good deeds, something good will happen to you too.

I used the websites: Story Board and Book Creator

Tu Meke Tuatara


Me and Neha's task is to research about how penguins get affected by environmental issues and how we can stop that from happening.

We learnt how to research as partners and work together. This was a bit difficult because we could only communicate online instead of talking in person. But in the end, we still managed to do that by only speaking in text, and in meetings!

I find this activity really enjoyable and fun!

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Carbeyone City


Thump... Thump... Thump...

His footsteps thundered down the road, causing passers-by to stare at amazement, dogs to howl in backyards and alarmed old ladies to peer out of their bedroom windows wearing petrified looks on their faces. 

His legs were as long as oak trees, his torso was as wide as a house, and his fists were as heavy as tractors: this metallic monster was business. 

“Number 28 checking in. Over.” He spoke into his radio set built into his helmet. His instructions crackled back into his earpiece….


These brutal robots were armed with solid, metal armor, all with the same, boring expression. There were hundreds of these creatures, all scattered around the city! Number 28 was one of them.

“It is time for a security check” Number 28 called out in a robotic voice. Every other day, strict robots would thoroughly check everything everyone had. This place was horrible! They would check everyone’s house, belongings, EVERYTHING! to make sure that no one was doing anything suspicious. Those robots didn’t want anyone to get out of their sight. Once they found someone trying to escape, they got a terrible consequence! People now quiver as they get searched.

One prisoner had a dreadful experience. Everyday, that same person complained about everything the robots were doing to him. Of course the robots became frustrated and punished him, no one knows what happened next.

After the stressful security check, everyone gathers together to finally eat their breakfast in the public cafeteria. An elderly woman with greyish hair sat with her hair in a high bun. “Mashed potatoes with veggie soup!” she would always say. This prison was in a place where there was no electricity and food had to be cold. Although the people were sick and tired of always eating the same thing, they had no choice.

This is a day in the life of being a prisoner in Carbeyone City. People become slaves that serve high ranking leaders and robots, waiting for someone to come and rescue them.

By: Katherine


Our writing task is to choose a picture and write a story about it. Either to carry on with a story starter or to make

your own. I chose to carry on from the story starter I was given.

I learnt how to use descriptive words, and the elements you need to use to make up your story so that the reader

would want to read more. I think I have improved my creativity, and my thinking skills.

My next step would be to find more descriptive words so I can use them in my future writing.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Answered Prayer

Answered Prayer

 Be strong and courageous do not be afraid or troubled, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go ~Joshua 1:9 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021

My Stick Chart


The leaves represent my favourite parts of our house.

The flower petals represent the backyard.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Mysterious Staircase

The Mysterious Staircase  
 By Katherine

 Is the staircase in the forest real? Yes! It is! In the land of Patrika, there is one mysterious staircase that no one knows about. There were lots of reports about it in the news! There were stories about people never coming back after they stepped onto this staircase! That is why Jill and Morgan, who are adventurous, wanted to figure it out themselves.

 They both adventured together and finally, they were standing in front of it! “Ugh! My legs are killing me!” exclaimed Jill who was out of breath. They were searching for this place for days. After a few minutes of resting, Morgan and Jill decided to go up the steps. “Woah!” shouted Morgan, “what an amazing view! They could see kids playing and parents surfing on the nearby beach. They then carried on and never gave up.

 Just then, Jill and Morgan came across a large barrier. On the other side, there was a special prize that no one knows about. “I have an idea!” Jill exclaimed. “Remember? We packed a 2 meter-long rope in case of an emergency!” Because the barrier was tall, Jill and Morgan tied their ropes together to make it longer. Then, they lassoed the rope onto a steady place on the large, thick barrier. Jill and Morgan attached a safety vest on them so that nothing bad happens when they slip off. Slowly, they started to climb. Almost there! Using the same rope, they slid down the other side of the barrier. Morgan and Jill sat down in relief.

 “Hooray! We did it!” Jill exclaimed. “Looks like the path finally ends! Both of them step forward. On a silk desk they find a teapot. “What?! This is it? We travelled so far for nothing?! Morgan shouted. “No!” Jill replied “This is just like the movies! Let’s try rubbing it to see what happens!” Just then, a light bolted across the room. “Hello, I am the Genie of Patrika. I will grant you both 3 wishes.” Their jaws dropped. “Amazing!” Jill and Morgan had a conversation and thought about their wishes. They decided that their wishes should be with a good purpose. They chose; 1. Happiness. 2. World peace. 3.No more Poverty. The Genie of Patrika made all their wishes come true.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Israel Adesanya's Speech

Israel Adesanya          

 Israel Adesanya’s speech was about how he dedicates his trophy to the New Zealanders, the people who competed and tried their best. I like his humility and leadership when he also thought about the others. Israel was confident and positive.  
BY: Katherine Granada

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Friday, August 20, 2021

Dogs are better than cats

 Dogs Are Better Than Cats

By: Katherine Granada

I believe that dogs are better than cats because they can do lots of important things like...

  1.  Helping the blind.

Dogs are important for the blind because they can guide them to places safely, if it is crowded or quiet. The guide dogs have good memory, and lots of intelligence. 

  1.  Search and rescue

Dogs are very good at search and rescue!  They can sniff someone's scent like someone’s breath or perfume to find someone and when they do, the dog will bark to alert the rescue team.

  1. Loyal and Protective

Dogs are very loyal to their owners. When they see a stranger that they don’t know, they will start to bark at them and warn their owner. Puppies and dogs like to cuddle and go out on walks!  If you could train your dog well, then maybe they can be talented and do lots of tricks.

Those are my reasons why I think dogs are better than cats. They have lots of jobs and talents they can do! Would you like to own a dog?

Friday, August 13, 2021

Monday, August 9, 2021

Multiplication DLO

 How to Solve-

143 x 5 with place Place Values

143 x 5 =

(split 143 into smaller numbers so it’s easier)




(Now add all your answers together)

500+200+15= 715

So 143x5 =715

Friday, August 6, 2021

Tinikling (Filipino dance)




The Oars Gave Me Power, But Also Taught Me Humility.” -Barry s. strauss

In this report you will be learning about Rowing and how to play it!


The rowers need to row their boats across a 2,000 metre lake facing backwards. The Rowing race includes the sweep event. Sweep events is when rowers hold a single oar with two hands including the pairs, fours and eights. Rowing is classified into sculling events, where rowers hold one oar in each hand. Sculling events include the single, double, quadruple and lightweight double sculls. The key to winning is how fast and athletic the athlete is!


Rowing had been introduced to the Olympics in 1900, after being cancelled in 1898 because of the bad weather. Only men were allowed to participate, but then in 1976 the women's events came! Yay!

How did NewZealand participate? 

This year 2021, New Zealand Grace Prendergast and Kerri Gowler won New Zealand's first gold medal of the Tokyo Olympics, after triathlete Hayden Wilde captured bronze, Brooke Donoghue and Hannah Osborne winning the women's double scullers and the men's rugby sevens team gained silver. New Zealand sent their first independent team to participate in the Olympics in 1920!

In conclusion, I think rowing is a cool sport and also a great exercise. Go try it yourself! GO NZ!!!

By: Katherine Miral Granada

The United States of America

 United States of America

Did You Know?

 The USA is the fourth largest country in the world!?

It is home to some of the most famous musical artists! There are 50 stars in the US flag representing their states and 13 stripes representing the original colonies.


About USA

In 1776, the Continental Congress changed the name of their country to “United States of America” replacing the name “United Colonies.” There are no official languages in the US, but the common languages that are spoken are Spanish, Chinese, French, Tagalog and Vietnamese! There are 27 versions of their flag.

The first time the United States competed in the Olympics was in 1896 in Athens, the capital of Greece. They participated in the Olympic games 28 times! (including the 2020, Tokyo event.) So far, the US has won 1024 gold medals, 795 silver medals, and 709 bronze medals!! Between 1896 and 2020. That’s a lot! The USA is the most successful country in the history of the Olympics.

This year, the USA has won 64 Medals. Team USA has 613 members this year, 193 are returning olympians, and 104 are olympian medalists.

Thank you for reading my report. I hope you’ve learnt something :) Try visiting the USA because they have lots of famous places like NASA, Hollywood, New York, and Disney!!